Real World Energy Resilience

All PowerSurety does is develop integrated, life-cycle based energy resiliency, renewable energy, and energy efficiency projects – nothing else. This is the case because we believe that the three are inextricably linked and that true real world energy resilience cannot be achieved without reducing base loads and managing peak demand. Given the ever-increasing complexity and integration requirements associated with such projects, real world energy resiliency experience is essential to enabling economically viable, operationally sound, and financeable projects.

To ensure that resiliency-focused projects require the minimum amount of capital possible, island longer during extended grid outages, and are economically viable and financeable, it is imperative that the following items be included as key components of seamless and effective energy surety programs.

  • Peak load demand reductions to minimize capital costs

  • Baseload energy usage reductions to enable longer islanding durations during grid outages

  • Inclusion of new ancillary services revenues to enable economic viability of resiliency projects

Energy resiliency must be viewed holistically, which is why master planning is an essential early-stage activity of successful programs. Master planning needn’t take long to complete, but it is essential that a high-level roadmap be developed before project development commences in earnest. Two of master planning’s key elements are defining specific connected load requirements and corresponding key performance indicators. Without these, knowing exactly what needs to be accomplished or how success will be measured, becomes a virtual impossibility.

Achieving higher levels of real world energy resilience does not need to be a “one-and-done” type proposition. Like most worthwhile endeavors, achieving true energy resiliency is something that normally isn’t achieved in one fell swoop. The good news in this is that resiliency efforts can – and oftentimes should – be implemented and funded in iterative fashion. The key is planning the sequencing and timing of iterative phases so that they are synchronized, integrated, and seamless – and driven by mission requirements and a well-defined resiliency program blueprint.

Please contact us for help in developing your master blueprint.

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